A New Found View

High and Thinking

What is the purpose of a human life? Were we placed on this Earth to do the works of a great divine being, or are we just really just evolved primates which have greater cognitive functions than other mammals. At this point, whether a person believes in one or another, they're labelled as Creationists, or Evolutionists. Being raised in a Christian family, I always thought I was a person which believed in creationism, and thought evolution was wrong. But growing older, learning more about the world we live in, I'm finding that evolution makes perfect sense. I do not want to completely disregard creationism, but there are some points in evolution which seem impossible. I refuse to believe the fact that we evolved from simple microscopic organisms, and ended up in the form we see today. The beauty of this world might it be color, symmetry, or creative ingenuity seems impossible for it to be created out of the chance of evolution. Seeing this, I really do believe that we as humans were created at first, but not as the form we see today. Through time, our bodies have evolved to adapt to our ever changing environments, and what we see now is the product of both creationism and evolution. 
