October 20,2012

So, its 4:30 am, and after playing Civ5 with Geoff for like 6 hours, this weird thought just got me really pissed...

SO. Living with Brian is kind of gay. Its the second year, and I realize that he still uses my hair dryer and my water... If I was in his position, I would feel really bad for always using someone elses stuff... Seriously what the FUCK is wrong with him. I really think its how he was raised. His parents are probably really cheap or something cause he always buys his food from markham and bring it back to London, and just to save what, a couple bucks? Well maybe for the variety back in Markham, but still, you buy milk and eggs from Markham.. SERIOUS:?? This post is just a rant ... But I really had to put it out there.. I really hate fucking living with Brian Wong
