
Showing posts from 2012

A New Found View

High and Thinking What is the purpose of a human life? Were we placed on this Earth to do the works of a great divine being, or are we just really just evolved primates which have greater cognitive functions than other mammals. At this point, whether a person believes in one or another, they're labelled as Creationists, or Evolutionists. Being raised in a Christian family, I always thought I was a person which believed in creationism, and thought evolution was wrong. But growing older, learning more about the world we live in, I'm finding that evolution makes perfect sense. I do not want to completely disregard creationism, but there are some points in evolution which seem impossible. I refuse to believe the fact that we evolved from simple microscopic organisms, and ended up in the form we see today. The beauty of this world might it be color, symmetry, or creative ingenuity seems impossible for it to be created out of the chance of evolution. Seeing this, I really do believ

November 9,2012

Early morning of November 9. So, Geoff and I have come to an agreement on hating Brian hahaha. We've come a long way since last year. Last year we both had our differences with Brian and we were both unsure on who was close to Brian. If he talks shit, then I tell Brian, or vice versa. This year we have a full agreement on this matter. We both found out that alot of people actually dont like Brian. His high school buds like Michael Chang really dont like him. His theory of the more you see him, the more you hate him haha. I guess its true.  Just had the idea of making a psych evaluation of Brian, and thought it'd be fun, so here it goes. Name: Brian Wongg Birthday: January XX 1992 Third Year Life Sciences Student. Hypothesis: Bipolar Disorder.   Has bipolar symptoms. Whole month of October, he would be quiet and angry, not even saying a word to his roommates. Comes home, goes into his room, and closes the door. Beginning of November, he starts to converse more,

October 20,2012

So, its 4:30 am, and after playing Civ5 with Geoff for like 6 hours, this weird thought just got me really pissed... SO. Living with Brian is kind of gay. Its the second year, and I realize that he still uses my hair dryer and my water... If I was in his position, I would feel really bad for always using someone elses stuff... Seriously what the FUCK is wrong with him. I really think its how he was raised. His parents are probably really cheap or something cause he always buys his food from markham and bring it back to London, and just to save what, a couple bucks? Well maybe for the variety back in Markham, but still, you buy milk and eggs from Markham.. SERIOUS:?? This post is just a rant ... But I really had to put it out there.. I really hate fucking living with Brian Wong

October 3 2012

Its late in the night at 3:39 AM. Havent written in a while.. Lots has been going on I guess life is full of stuff, and it gets to a point where I dont even feel like blogging so much, feels .... complain-y. FUCK I have not been going to class in a while, calculus, math, and digital logic. Maybe because I took it before and FUCKED up I still have all the notes, and shit but man, its hard to wake up in the morning. My sleep schedule is FUCKED right now, sleeping at 6 am ... Saw this picture from Siobhan using Melatonin.. Looked it up, and its a neurotransmitter to help you sleep and shit. Maybe I should ... I havent talked to Brenda in a while, and today was the first day, well yesterday was the first day but it seems boring to talk to her now .. All we talk about is Diablo, and her work ... WHAT HAPPENED. I was really digging her for longest time since my dad hired her. Man I guess distance really does affect the way I act ... a lot. Anna, man what do I do with her. At Ignition,

September 14, 2012

Its 3am, after Geoff made me stay up for an  extra hour. Woke up at 7:30 today, but didnt want to go to the one  8:30 class i had today. Watched a few episodes of Fresh Prince  before going to Billie's house warming. Got 3 large pizzas from  double double. Felt a little annoyed that it felt that the whole  house warming had a lot of people, but if we didnt bring our pizza's  there definitely wouldnt be enough food. Cheap mother fuckers. Guess  we were like that last year, but we still had the decency of bringing  one medium pizza. Saw Eva Ho, guess she thought it was kinda awkward haha.  Near the end, saw Geoff talking to Joey Ho haha. Thought about telling him  that I was gonna leave, but then I knew that he would leave cutting his conversation  short if I told him I was leaving, so I left without saying a word. Later that night Brian sprained his ankle, and got Billie to pick him up.  LOL kinda jokes that he sprained it only playing 5 minutes of basketball.  5 of us were

August 23,2012

It's 11 am too tired last night to write.  Woke up at around 11 and went to go eat brunch at ling lings. We were hopeful for clams but guess they only serve during the dinner time. After brunch we went back to shopping. The first store I bought stuff was from Adidas. Got two sweaters one grey for warmth and conventional style. Liked the strong collar. And another green athletic sweater for st patricks haha. Second place I bought from was Ralph Lauren Polo. Got two sweaters there with the puffy neck and a black custom fit polo. Finished the day with a pair of shoes from Puma: black with carbon fiber. After a long day of shopping we went to ling lings for dinner one final time. Got alot of clams haha. Like alot ... We tipped them five dollars even though they don't accept tip. The lady from the first night didn't come back .. Later on we went to Walmart. The biggest Walmart I've ever seen. It was retardedly big. So many items were cheaper than Canada plus they had so m

August 22, 2011

It's 2:45 am Today woke up at like 11 for the states trip. Mommy tricked us into thinking we were leaving right away but we actually left like at 1:30 in the afternoon so gay. Around the 3:30 we stopped at a service stop for lunch. Tim, Bea , and I wanted McDonald's and thought there was a McDonald's not too far from the service area so we got a burger from Checkers but there wasn't so we got like two more snack wraps from Tim Hortons. After lunch we got lunch we headed back on the road and around 6:39 we got to the Waterloo premium outlet mall. Our first stop was the food court and information booth where we got coupons of course and a washroom break. Our first store we went to was Calvin Klein. Right away ninny dropped like two bills plus my bag. She got a lot of dresses and shit each price averaging like forty bucks. Pretty cheap compared to Toronto. My bag came out to be like sixty five from one forty nine. Fifty percent then and extra fifteen. Saw some puma shore

August 21,2012

Its 5 am... Woke up today at around 2 pm, same old stuff. Dad come home for lunch today, guess he had to cause we had to plan our States trip today. After about an hour we finally found a place to stay for 200 bucks for two nights. After planning all the stuff, went to go watch some movies. Watched Transporter 2, and 3. Pretty decent movies. Was suppose to go watch a movie with keith, ricky, vinnie, and rex but man, am I sick of watching movies every tuesday night. SO FUCKING BORINGGG. I can tell that keith is already getting pretty cheesed that im not chilling with him haha, but I cant help it, hes just so boring sometimes. After dinner decided to watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Pretty good movie up to the point when I get a call from Jimmy and William that they were outside my house haha. These guys just always come unannounced and just loaft at my place for hours. Started reminiscing again about high school. Talk about chicks, the different birthdays I hosted, pretty jokes.

August 21.2012

SO, its like 4am right now ... Pretty loaft day today, woke up at 2:30 pm, kinda felt bad that i didnt help out my dad today at work. Cleaned out my washroom, scrubbing the bath tub, cleaning toilet, and scrubbing sinks and countertop. While cleaning, watched Kitchen Nightmares by Chef Gordon Ramsey. Pretty jokes how he goes HAM on some people. Feels kinda scripted to me that all the restaurants all become great places to eat from the shit they came out of haha. Got a text from keith this morning, asking me if I wanted to movie on tuesday, havent seen that nigga in a while. Guess hes kinda getting cheesed that ive been spending so much time with kevin, owen, william, and jimmy. Texted me "you in for movie on tuesday, or you gonna be chilling with kevin and them". Getting some vibes that he is getting jells. Ill probably watch the movie with him and the other guys tomorrow. Been texting Emily Cheung for the second day now, asking me to chill with Natalie Ng. Feel bad i keep

August 10,2012

Today is my first post. Ive been contemplating about making a blog for the past few weeks and seeing Peter making a blog really gave me the final push to make this. He told me that he wanted to "leave his mark" in the world, and I guess a blog was his way to do so. Yesterday was pretty shit, had to take a trip to kingston with the parent's church. It was already a shitty place and a shitty trip but to make matters worse I stayed up the entire night before with Kevin, Owen, William, and Jimmy playing Dota2 at Kevs house. Been chillin alot with these guys lately, feel a good connection even though we can be pretty immature sometimes. But the times are jokes, and pretty fun. Lately, ive been feeling pretty distant with keith probably cause william told me that he had been chillin with this chick nakomi alot, and doesnt tell me shit, whatta fuck LOL.  Today we went the beach for the second time with Jielin and her friends, plus the dota crew. Man played 5 hours, fking ti